Pretty sure this would be fixed by #43794. At least in my limited testing using the merge request as a patch:
// Only update metadata that has changed
- $newData = array_diff_assoc($data, $cacheData->getData());
+ // i.e. get all the values in $data that are not present in the cache already
+ // NOTE: we serialize then unserialize here because array_diff_assoc() doesn't
+ // support multidimensional arrays on its own (and otherwise internally casts any
+ // embedded array elements to attempt to compare them - not only generating warnings
+ // like "Array to string conversion" but also, as a resut, overlooking real differences)
+ $newData = array_diff_assoc(
+ array_map('serialize', $data),
+ array_map('serialize', $cacheData->getData())
+ );
+ $newData = array_map('unserialize', $newData);
// make it known to the caller that etag has been changed and needs propagation
if (isset($newData['etag'])) {
$data['etag_changed'] = true;
Adding additional oc_npushhash_di index to the oc_notifications_pushhash table, this can take some time...
oc_notifications_pushhash table updated successfully.